The comfortable life is killing you..

Depression in the era of infinite possibilities:

Although we are currently experiencing the highest living standards in the history of mankind:

 • Depression rates are constantly rising in the US since the mid-1930s.

 • Approximately 40 million American adults are dealing with anxiety disorder.

 • Over 600,000 children of 5 and under are on some type of psychiatric drug in the US. 

Depression and anxiety

According to the existential psychologist, Rollo May:
 • “Depression is the inability to construct a future.”
 • "Anxiety comes from "not being able to know the world you’re in, not being able to orient yourself in your own existence.”

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.”
                              - Jean-Paul Sartre

Living with purpose and vitality

 • Let go of the idea of how your life is "supposed to be". Change strategy, even it means you have to face the unknown.
 • Embrace your struggles and use them as a fuel for your new life.
 • Stop the autopilot mode and be aware and present in every action you are doing.
 • Be smart about your finances. Also, invest more in experiences and less in material things.
 • Reconnect with nature.

          “Chase after money and security, and your heart will never unclench. Care about people’s approval, and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back. This is  the only path to serenity.”
                                            - Lao Tzu


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