music affects your brain and productivity

Effects of music on productivity

 • Listening to music with lyrics is distracting for most people. It’s best to avoid it when working on tasks that require focus or the learning of new information.
 • Listening to music with lyrics may help people working on repetitive or mundane tasks.
 • Classical or rock music allows people to identify numbers more quickly and accurately.
 • Ambient noise, or ambient music, at about 70 decibels can be the best kind of music for work productivity. But increasing it over 85 decibels hurts creativity.
 • Searching for the right artist can detract from workplace productivity but, once you know what works for you, music can become a tool for near-instant concentration.

Music and the brain

Music has a real impact on human emotions and perception. Music activates different areas of the brain in different people, but there are general brain and mood patterns revealed by music research.
For the most part, research suggests that listening to music can improve your efficiency, creativity and happiness in terms of work-related tasks.


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